
Mesh2dHandle points to no asset

repelmoine opened this issue · 1 comments

In my project, I wanted to be able to pick shapes from bevy_prototype_lyon using bevy_mod_picking.

I'm new in bevy but I tried debugging and found that in version 0.10 the entity had an Aabb component and that the Mesh2dHandle component was associated with an asset.
capture_version_0 10

Since version 0.11, there is no longer an Aabb component and Mesh2dHandle points to no asset.
capture_version_0 11

I've noticed that if i modify the following line, the code works again. I don't understand what are the impacts this change might have, but it solves my problem and the shapes are pickable as the Mesh2dHandle is linked to an asset again.




Thanks for all ❤️