
New bug in version 1.9 comfyui-photoshop

Closed this issue · 6 comments

New bug in version 1.9, when real-time rendering is enabled, Photoshop will not respond and freeze

Oh will fix it right now, wait 2 min

Oh will fix it right now, wait 2 min

thank you; The original English version also has a bug where the text input box for the prompt word on the front says' no prompt word displayed ', which is located in the same position as my image; I fixed it in the Chinese version.

Oh will fix it right now, wait 2 min

I just tested the fixed version again, and even when the real-time rendering button is turned on, Photoshop still freezes and does not respond. This issue is not present in version 1.82

Oh will fix it right now, wait 2 min

I just tested version 1.9.01 again and reinstalled all the English files, which caused Photoshop to freeze. The issue has not been resolved yet. I suggest making it the checkbox for version 1.82 instead of the button, as the bug is significant

Oh will fix it right now, wait 2 min
Suspected to be a conflict between two processes. When the automatic rendering button is clicked in version 1.9.01, another process will be created; Previously, version 1.82 had a checkbox. When checked, manually clicking the render button would only create one rendering process without any conflicts.

@NimaNzrii can you delete comment above? Its just virus