
When verifying SpykBean's, verification acknowledgement fails

slawek-mazur opened this issue · 4 comments

private lateinit var serviceHelper: ServiceHelper

in test

can't find stub ServiceHelper(serviceHelper#1)
io.mockk.MockKException: can't find stub ServiceHelper(serviceHelper#1)
	at app//io.mockk.impl.stub.StubRepository.stubFor(StubRepository.kt:16)
	at app//io.mockk.impl.recording.CommonVerificationAcknowledger.acknowledgeVerified(CommonVerificationAcknowledger.kt:25)
	at app//io.mockk.MockKDsl.internalConfirmVerified(API.kt:277)
	at app//io.mockk.MockKKt.confirmVerified(MockK.kt:319)

it works perfectly fine when

private lateinit var serviceHelper: ServiceHelper

Hi @slawek-mazur

My guess is that it's the same issue as #85. But I'm still waiting for a minimal repro or test case allowing me to debug (and hopefully fix) the issue.
Please take some time to provide one.


sure thing, please take a look at this minimal PoC

it is indeed related to that enrichment $$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$ where CustomService becomes com.example.demo.CustomService$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$

if I comment out like so 👇 there's no AOP and CGLIB doesn't kick in with it's proxies.

class ExecutorConfig

@slawek-mazur thanks for the repro. You're indeed hitting the same issue with AOP-modified Spring beans which exists since day 1 (see the first limitation listed in the README), and that I have no idea how to fix. Sorry for that.

There's a test case, BTW, that comes from Spring Boot and which is disabled because it fails, see

In your specific case, you should be able to workaround the issue by using confirmVerified(AopTestUtils.getUltimateTargetObject(service)) or confirmVerified(AopTestUtils.getTargetObject(service)). But this is a hack.

Unless someone can finally find a solution for this, my only advice would be to find a workaround. I generally thend to avoid spies in the first place.

Fair enough, thanks for the support.