
Provide more baud options to work with Galvant GPIBUSB

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Just wondering if it would be possible to add more baud options up to 460800 to work with the Galvant GPIBUSB adapter?!/store/gpibusb

Alternatively I may see if I can recompile the firmware for it to dial the baud rate down a bit, since it's hard coded and doesn't have autodetect its stuck at 460800.

App looks awesome - hoping I can make it work with this. All the commands appear to be compatible so just a baud rate change should work.

Yes, super easy. In the COM_Select_Window.xaml file add line similar to this ComboBoxItem Content="128000" IsSelected="False" IsEnabled="True" but change the 128000 value to 460800.

I'm afraid I don't see that file - this is all I see when I unzip the files. I did try setting the serial config file to that baud, but it doesn't work.


I was talking about the source code file. Here it is (, around line 70. You will need visual studio 2019 community version with desktop application development addon to compile the source code.