DeepRL is a pytorch implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms. The project contains the following modules:
- models
- algorithms
- evaluator
Models implements a set of common policies and value functions.
Implemented policies are:
- Gaussian
- Gaussian Bounded
- Gaussian Clipped
- Deterministic
- Cross Entropy Method (CEM)
Implemented value functions are:
- ValueFunction
- ActionValueFunction
The algorithms module implements a base class (BaseRL) for RL agents. Implemented algorithms are:
Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO)
- Original Paper:
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)
- Original Paper:
Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3)
- Original Paper:
Soft Actor-Critic (SAC)
- Original Paper:
Cross Entropy Guided Policy (CGP)
- Original Paper:
An example of the exposed interface is shown in the following:
import gym
from algorithms import TD3
env = gym.make('Pendulum-v1')
agent = TD3(env)
done = True
for t in range(timesteps):
if done:
state = env.reset()
state, reward, done = agent.act(state)
metrics = agent.learn()
The evaluator module addresses the issue of reproducable RL, by seperating the evaluation process from the core algorithms. The evaluation class allows to easily generate statistical evaluation of an algorithm
import gym
import dm_control2gym
from algorithms import PPO, TRPO, SAC, CGP, TD3
from evaluator import Evaluator
from evaluator.plot import plot_learning_curves, load_dataset
envs = [
('cartpole', 'balance'),
('cartpole', 'swingup'),
('acrobot', 'swingup'),
('cheetah', 'run'),
('hopper', 'hop'),
('walker', 'run')
algs = [TD3, CGP, SAC, TRPO, PPO]
for alg in algs:
for domain, task in envs:
env = dm_control2gym.make(domain_name=domain, task_name=task)
agent = alg(env)
evl = Evaluator(agent, 'path/to/output/data')
evl.run_statistic(samples=20, seed=0)
returns = load_dataset('path/to/returns_offline.npz')
fig, ax = plot_learning_curves(returns, interval='bs')
- Python3
- PyTorch
- Gym
- MuJoCo
- dm_control
- dm_control2gym