Caffe Installation
Setup Caffe in
for the siamese model.
apt update && apt install caffe-cpu
Caffe Installation Verification
After installation verify that is
import Caffe
working or not.If you are getting
ImportError: cannot import name '_validate_lengths'
error, degradenumpy==1.15.0
using this commandpip3 install numpy==1.15.0
With this change, import caffe should work. If not refer here
Use openvino/ubuntu18_dev:latest
for model conversion.
Converting Your Caffe* Model
cd /opt/intel/openvino_2021.3.394/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/ python3 --input_model /app/helmet_1/siamese_training_combinedhelmet_128x128__iter_200000.caffemodel --input_proto /app/helmet_1/deploy_helmet_with_dist.prototxt --input_shape [1,3,128,128] --output_dir /app/
model is too complex (contains lots of unsupported operations that cannot be easily implemented as custom layers), so the complete model cannot be converted in one shot.
single custom layer or a combination of custom layers is isolated for debugging purposes.
Model Optimizer provides command line options --input and --output to specify new entry and exit nodes, while ignoring the rest of the model:
--input option accepts a comma-separated list of layer names of the input model that should be treated as new entry points to the model.
--output option accepts a comma-separated list of layer names of the input model that should be treated as new exit points from the model.
python3 --input_model /app/helmet_1/siamese_training_combinedhelmet_128x128__iter_200000.caffemodel --input_proto /app/helmet_1/deploy_helmet_with_dist.prototxt --input_shape [1,3,128,128] --output_dir /app/ --output 'pool5/7x7_s1_right','dist'