Change branch `device_authenticators` to master
Opened this issue · 2 comments
This is what 2factorauth is doing nowadays and we may should change it too (if it is no big hassle at least).
could this be why the website is behind updates?
I checked Firefox, it's red on the website, but it's updated in this repo (from last month sync from remote).
Is the website deployed automatically?
I am not sure what you mean. There are always differences between 2factorauth/twofactorauth and this repo. Furthermore, I sometimes do not immediately push the changes in the branch decive_authenticator
to gh-pages
which is the branch that is shown on
Every once in a while I pull updates from 2factorauth/twofactorauth. But entries that are green there might be red here, as we list services that are compatible with hardware tokens...