
users and their passwords

jerabaul29 opened this issue · 3 comments

There are a few users set up on the nextbox from the start: root, nextuser, maybe some more. I was curious: can we get a list of all users that are set up, and their passwords (do they have default passwords?).

despite nextuser no other "real" user is set up. root is a default user, as many others which are set up by debian, by default. I would avoid documenting those, as this is debian stuff. Nevertheless this makes perfect sense to write down, that nextuser is created for the NextBox.

Further no default passwords are set, neither for nextuser nor for root to ensure that nobody can access the NextBox without setting a ssh-publickey inside the NextBox App.

That's all worth documenting, added a todo here: Nitrokey/nitrokey-documentation#38

Excellent, many thanks for the explanation and details :) Great to hear pre existing users have no default password which forces the use of SSH keys. Additional documentation about these points sound excellent :) .