
[Linux] 'Inherits=' not working?

Leinatan opened this issue · 3 comments

Since many icons are missing (and that's ok), I wonder why there is no fallback theme by default, and if I try to set a fallback theme, it doesn't work...

I tried to edit /usr/share/icons/Luv/index.theme

Line 39: Inherits=
Line 39: Inherits=hicolor

But nothing happened, although this icon theme is robust and complete.
(also tried 'breeze' and 'breath', no success)
I tried logging out, even rebooting. The added parameter changes nothing....

Do you know if an extra step is required?
Thank you, awesome icons btw

You may rebuild the icon.cache file after you make your changes to the index.theme file so that your changes are picked up when loading the icon theme.

Oh, and how can I do this?

Oh, and how can I do this?

You can try with:

update-icon-caches /path/to/icons


gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f /path/to/icons