
Create the process of establishing new teams

imincik opened this issue · 2 comments

Team work is essential for efficient use of available human resources. For example, splitting packaging work on Nixpkgs in to domain specific teams can have very positive impact on packages quality, can rapidly speed up their development and maintenance and can be motivating factor for existing and new contributors. Unfortunately, there is no official process or guideline for creation and bootstrapping of new teams.

Team creation process should provide information such as:

  • complete list of already existing teams
  • list of minimal human resources requirements (for example: team lead + 2 other members)
  • requirements for declaration of some scope of interest/motivation (for example: the team is interested in geospatial packages development and maintenance)
  • exact process of team infrastructure creation and configuration (creation of GitHub team, adding members, setting all permissions, creation of home page, creation of matrix channel)
  • list of available founding for team (for example: covering expenses for team sprints)
  • recommendations for assets (for example Nixpkgs packages) adoption (how to migrate packages from single/multli person maintenance to team)
  • recommendations for best practices to operate

Example of very unsuccessful attempt to create geospatial team is here:

This issue has been mentioned on NixOS Discourse. There might be relevant details there: