
[Funding]: CCCamp 2023 14.08.23 - 20.08.23

Lassulus opened this issue · 4 comments

Event Name

Chaos Communication Camp 2023

Event Website

Event Purpose

The biggest camp of hackers in the world. everyone comes together and we have a good time with the NixOS people

Event Visitors

whole event? 6500. nixos village? ~30 permanent

Event Organizer


Budget amount


Budget description

rent a tent 150€
car rental + gasoline: ~50€
buy some power cables: 100€
buy a small stage with some tarps (will end up at c-base afterwards): 1050€.

I would also be fine with less budget, it just what I payed until now out of my own bag

CCCamp is awesome and thank you for flying the Nix flag there!
We are looking into this now, could you clarify the stage/tarp?

Could you also share a bit more on what's expected to happen at the event and any plans?

Would that mean we can reuse this equipment for future events?

Alright, I was a bit busy and sick and life went on.
SO what happened at cccamp:

  • we had a stage setup with a big tent, a metal pole and a base plate
  • We had a couple of workshops and talks and in general tried to be helpful to people who passed by

invoices are appended, sadly none has a name on it. for the tent we only paid like one, so 25% or 150€. the stage parts are now integrated into the c-base and are used there for events (they also have a weekly NixOS meetup, every tuesday)

Rg 48 c-base.pdf
Trussing – Musikhaus Thomann.pdf