
Stop mangling my comment formatting!

Closed this issue · 6 comments


I do not think that nixfmt should "format" comments at all, especially not messing with the indentation of lines contained within /* and */.

I know there are other opinionated issues here that require some degree of customization, and nixfmt is designed to not be customized. I understand that you don't want a config file or command line flags for this reason, however, some of the opinionated formatting is way too strict. For example, 0.007 ("seven thousandths") gets formatted as 0.7e-3 ("seven tenths times ten to the power of three") and that's far less readable.

I think you should add a config file or command line flags.

Small example input

    $ nix eval 'path:.#overlays' | sed 's/<|>/"/g' | nixfmt
    There is an overlay for each package:

      - fork-awesome
      - idlehack
      - ja-netfilter
      - nerdfonts-symbols
      - proton-ge-custom
      - prtsc
      - ttf-ms-win11
      - zsh-plugins

    Then there are collections/utilities also available as overlays:

      - lib = extra functions merged into `pkgs`
      - allowUnfree - override `meta.license` of certain packages
      - oraclejdk - overrides `oraclejdk` to not `requireFile`
      - default - all packages from this flake
      - updates - some small updates/fixes for certain packages
  overlays = let packageOverlays = import ./packages/overlays.nix lib;
  in import ./overlays lib packageOverlays;

    $ nix eval 'path:.#packages.x86_64-linux' --apply 'builtins.attrNames' | nixfmt
  packages =
    eachSystem (system: import ./packages { inherit lib system nixpkgs; });

Expected output


Actual output

  /* $ nix eval 'path:.#overlays' | sed 's/<|>/"/g' | nixfmt
      There is an overlay for each package:

        - fork-awesome
        - idlehack
        - ja-netfilter
        - nerdfonts-symbols
        - proton-ge-custom
        - prtsc
        - ttf-ms-win11
        - zsh-plugins

      Then there are collections/utilities also available as overlays:

        - lib = extra functions merged into `pkgs`
        - allowUnfree - override `meta.license` of certain packages
        - oraclejdk - overrides `oraclejdk` to not `requireFile`
        - default - all packages from this flake
        - updates - some small updates/fixes for certain packages
  overlays = let packageOverlays = import ./packages/overlays.nix lib;
  in import ./overlays lib packageOverlays;

  /* $ nix eval 'path:.#packages.x86_64-linux' --apply 'builtins.attrNames' | nixfmt
  packages =
    eachSystem (system: import ./packages { inherit lib system nixpkgs; });

Interesting. Nixfmt has the freedom to change the global indentation level of a comment, e.g. by changing where the content starts relative to /*. However, the relative indentation of the lines should definitely preserved. This is somehow not the case. From a first glance at the code it should already be doing the correct thing, I'll investigate

Oh, I also cannot reproduce it on my branch, so it does make sense. Please try this again on #118 and report back

@piegamesde I missed your reply ages ago. Since #118 has been merged, the problem has not changed.

The comment handling has been completely reworked again since last December, and is now in accordance with the RFC text.

I don't recognize the validity of the RFC text.

I don't recognize the validity of the RFC text.

I'm sorry, but that's your problem. The RFC is merged, move on or stay behind.