
[utils] HierarchicalPlot is not plotting

iamyihwa opened this issue · 1 comments

What happened + What you expected to happen

  1. HierarchicalPlot is not plotting.

from hierarchicalforecast.utils import HierarchicalPlot

HierarchicalPlot(S, tags)

Based on recommendations from this issue and this issue have checked the versions of matplotlib (3.6.1) and pandas (2.0.3), but is the version that should be safe.

image image

Versions / Dependencies


Reproduction script

from hierarchicalforecast.utils import HierarchicalPlot
HierarchicalPlot(S, tags)

Issue Severity


Sorry! It was my mistake!
After instantiating the class, need to call the appropriate functions, to plot them!

hplots = HierarchicalPlot(S=S, tags=tags)
Y_df=Y_hat_df, models='ETS',
xlabel='Month', ylabel='Predictions',