
Matech QuickStart is an ASP.NET Core / Angular / Admin starter project featuring SOLID architecture, advanced authentication & authorization, user and role management, and essential services for rapid application development.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Matech QuickStart - ASPNET Core 8 & Angular 17

Matech QuickStart is a cutting-edge ASP.NET Core / Angular / Admin Starter Project designed for Quick Application Development. It features a robust SOLID architecture, advanced authentication and authorization, comprehensive user and role management, and a suite of essential services. This powerful tool is engineered to accelerate your development process and elevate your projects to new heights.

🚀 The mission of developing our ASP.NET & Angular Admin Template is to empower developers with a comprehensive, efficient, and user-friendly foundation for building robust web applications. This template aims to streamline the development process, boost productivity, and ensure adherence to best practices from the outset. Our commitment is to facilitate rapid development while maintaining high standards of code quality, security, and performance.


This application consists of:

  • Onion Architecture
  • RESTful API Backend using ASP.NET Core 8 Web API
  • Database using Entity Framework Core
  • Advanced Authentication/Authorization
  • Real-time push notification system (with SignalR integration)
  • Swagger integration
  • Angular Material and TypeScript


  • [OPTION 1] Clone the Git Repository and edit with your favorite editor. e.g. Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code.

  • [OPTION 2] Download the Zip folder from github

When you open the downloaded zip file, you will see two folders

  • QuickStart folder contains the server side ASP.NET Core solution and configured to work with Visual Studio.
  • QuickStartUI folder contains the Angular UI application which is configured to work with the angular-cli.

Merging Client and Server Solutions

Client and Server solutions are designed to work separately by default.

Deploy Database

To deploy the database, follow these steps:

Open the Solution

  1. Navigate to the QuickStart folder.
  2. Locate the solution file.
  3. Open the solution file, which will automatically launch Visual Studio.

Configure Connection String

  1. In the QuickStart project, open appsettings.json.

  2. Modify the default connection string if necessary:

       "ConnectionStrings": {
        "sqlConnection": "server=.; database=QuickStartDb; Integrated Security=true;TrustServerCertificate=true"

Apply Migrations

The application uses the Code First approach of Entity Framework Core. All migration code is located in the QuickStart/Migrations folder.

  1. Open the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio.

  2. Set QuickStart as the default project.

  3. Run the following command to update the database:


This will apply the migrations and set up your database.

After running the migrations, your database tables will be created as shown below:

Run API Host

Once you've configured the application, you can run the server-side application. The server-side application contains only APIs. The API is running on https://localhost:5001. Paste this URL into your browser to access the application and you will see the login page below:



  • Default Administrator Account
  • Default Standard Account

Angular Application

Drag and drop QuickStartUI folder into VS code IDE

NPM Packages Install

    npm install

it will install the packages. Make sure that there is no error.

How to Run?

After install process now you can run local server- local server port is 'http://localhost:4200' For development start use this commend ng serve

    ng serve

Hosting Angular App Inside ASP.NET API

To merge and host the Angular application inside the ASP.NET Core API, follow these steps:

  1. Build the Angular Application:

    • Navigate to the QuickStartUI folder.
    • Run ng build to build the Angular application. This will create a dist folder containing the compiled Angular files.
  2. Move Built Files to ASP.NET Core Project:

    • Copy the contents of the dist folder.
    • Paste these contents into a new folder named wwwroot inside the QuickStart/QuickStart/wwwroot folder. The wwwroot folder is the default location for static files in an ASP.NET Core application.
  3. Configure ASP.NET Core to Serve Angular App:

    • Open the Program.cs file in the QuickStart folder.
    • Ensure that the Configure method is set up to serve static files and handle fallback routing for the Angular application:
        var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
        app.MapFallbackToController("Index", "Fallback");
  4. Run the Combined Solution:

    • Open the QuickStart solution in Visual Studio.
    • Run the solution. The ASP.NET Core API should now serve the Angular application.

By following these steps, you will successfully host the Angular application inside the ASP.NET Core API, creating a unified solution.



Matech QuickStart is actively maintained on GitHub. You can support it by

  • Encouraging the developers by starring it
  • Submitting your changes/improvements/features using pull requests
  • Suggesting ideas or areas of improvements
  • Linking to it and recommending it to others


Released under the MIT License.