
Plugin causes high CPU load through Antimalware process

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I complained that the antimalware service (Windows Defender) was constantly running on my PC with a rather high CPU load even though I was more or less only writing text files in vs code. I found out that the CPU load was caused by the resource monitor plugin in vs code because after removing it the CPU load of the antimalware vanished, and when I install it again I can see the old behavior again: antimalware on top of the task list with up to 25% cpu load. The Windows Defender log does not show much information here, but I can see frequent entries about processes being started, although it is in an order of seconds and I would not expect too much impact from this.

I found older issue about high CPU load caused by executing WMI queries. If I understand correctly, this is done spawning a new process, so it seems to match the behavior experienced on my machine. However, the impact is different because I do not see the WMI service consuming much load at all.

It may of course be caused by our configuration of Windows Defender.