
Feature Request: Only show when use remote

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Please add option to only show system monitor when use remote extensions

@fakhamatia why did you close this? Did you find an alternative solution?

I agree it would be cool to have two profiles - local vs remote.

@fakhamatia why did you close this? Did you find an alternative solution?

I agree it would be cool to have two profiles - local vs remote.

I thought I was not interesting at first, so I closed it

I can look into adding this. I am a little busy this week, but I can try to squeeze starting researching what I'd like to do here!

Thanks for the feedback!

I actually did find a decent solution for this. You can store global resmon settings in the global settings on a local machine (found by hitting ctrl/cmd + comma).

For reference, on my mac the file locations is (this just the vanilla global settings file):
/Users/erik/Library/Application Support/Code - Insiders/User/settings.json

Then, you can have your remote resmon settings on your remote machine. The remote settings will override the global ones:

  • In the remote folder or workspace you use in your remote env there should be a folder called /.vscode, if not create it
  • in that folder there may be a settings.json, if not, create
  • store your local resmon settings there.

In my linux remote project the path is (change 'workspace' to whatever your project uses):

I think this is a non-issue.
As for @fakhamatia's original request, you can already do that by simply not installing the extension locally but instead only on the remote. VS Code supports that.
Having different settings per remote or locally (@3rock618's use case) is also supported natively by VS Code by using the different configuration files or VS Code's configuration UI.
Everyone happy closing this?

Looks like we are okay with leaving this issue as is. Happy to re-visit if someone has a need.

If someone knows to achieve "disable locally, enable remotely", please share how to do that. After checking VSCode docs and Google I didn't find a straight forward way to do that.

Edit: never mind, found it here