
[Task] Implement voice summaries

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Task Description

This idea was introduced by an conversation that I had with Triona, and would probably put this on Kumiko. The idea is to summarize what happens in a VC (not the contents). Here is what will happen in a step by step process

User one joins vc, and then user two also joins the vc. They talk for a while, and then exit the VC. The bot detects when there is someone (at least one user) in the VC, and then waits for others to join. On updating the voice state, the bot stores the info, like who joined, etc. Once everyone has left, a summary will be posted and stored on the database of what users joined, how long it took, etc. This tool can be used by moderators to make informed decisions pertaining to a certain call that may had some issues, such as arguments and others.

original text:

What I'll suggest is don't do the classic discord logs, as they basically provide no information. What I'd recommend instead is to have a logging channel, but instead provide a "summary" of what happened in the vc. The threshold is to start collecting data on the summary when there is at the very least one user in the vc and until everyone has left. Then once everyone is gone, the summary will provide information such as the users that were in the vc, users that joined but left, and others (along with the timestamps). This will provide enough information in a concise enough way to rationally make decisions. I'm taking this idea and adding it to my own bots