
RangeError: arguments array passed to Function.prototype.apply is too large

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Same issue as pouchdb/pouchdb#2690.

Based on comments by @dominictarr in #53, I'd like to move to using pure buffers and d64 everywhere. In order to fix this immediate problem, it looks like we can use d64-encoded buffers as the values without needing a major version bump (because we can still support the old format when we read data out of an existing database). For keys, though, we would need a version bump.

Speaking of which, @dominictarr, it's awesome that your d64 library just solves this without me having to buffer the buffer myself. Guess that's why it's called a "buffer." :)

Fixed by a2f4c6e.

BTW I think what causes this was probably a change upstream somewhere to start using Uint8Arrays instead of ArrayBuffers. IIRC that if/else switch for Uint8Arrays vs. ArrayBuffers was always using ArrayBuffers before, but now when I run the tests I see it's only using Uint8Arrays.