
How do I create an optional (not required) Enum field?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

nrser commented

Just started out with NoBrainer, so forgive me if I am obviously missing something.

This doesn't seem to work:

class SKU
  include NoBrainer::Document
  include NoBrainer::Document::Timestamps
  belongs_to :design
  field :size, 
        type: Enum,
        in: [:small, :medium, :large, :xlarge],
        required: false
SKU.create! id: 'blah', design: Design.first

Errors like

#<SKU id: "blah"> is invalid: Size is not included in the list

For what it's worth I also tried

SKU.create! id: 'blah', design: Design.first, size: nil

which seems to make no difference, and

class SKU
  include NoBrainer::Document
  include NoBrainer::Document::Timestamps
  belongs_to :design
  field :size, 
        type: Enum,
        in: [nil, :small, :medium, :large, :xlarge]

which pukes on the nil:

  The `:in` option must specify symbol values

Thanks in advance, Neil.

Hi Neil,

The Enum type uses the :in symbol which it uses internally to check if all values are symbols, but it's also passed on to active_model (which NoBrainer uses internally), which is raising the "Size is not included in the list" error. I believe nilifying this value isn't possible right now.

I'm not sure if this is by design, but it's definitely not meant to accept any nil value right now.

You might want to create a :default size and set that?

— Jeroen

nrser commented

Thanks for responding so rapidly. I understand it's not in your code. A default doesn't make sense for this situation, and just from searching and reading about ActiveRecord's Enum for a few minutes it seems like kind of a mess; I think I'll just use a different approach.