
additional maintainers

michaelglass opened this issue · 16 comments

Hey there! I think this gem is used by enough people to be helped by additional maintainers. Thoughts? I volunteer myself but think the role would be better for folks who have actually worked on the gem / created PRs. @y310 do you think you would be amenable to that?

y310 commented

Yes, honestly I don't have enough time to maintain this gem and I don't use this by myself.
So anyone who wants to be an maintainer is welcome!

please add me as a contributor / gem pusher and I'll take up the responsibility, thanks!

y310 commented

@michaelglass Thanks! I added you to collaborators. could you let me know your rubygems account?

y310 commented

Added you to rubygems owner.
You can do anything you want. no need to ask me 👍

can you give me admin access to this repo so I can set up travis?

and/or I'd move the canonical repo to /michaelglass or /noredink, either way.

y310 commented

According to this document, owner permission can be assigned to only one user.
ok, so let's transfer to your account. I think /noredink is better because it's organization.

Maybe, you need to delete existing /noredink/rspec-retry, right?

Before you transfer a repository, keep these things in mind:
The target account must not have a repository with the same name, or a fork in the same network.


deleted /noredink/rspec-retry

y310 commented


I'd like to transfer to /michaelglass at first.
could you remove '/michaelglass/rspec-retry`?


y310 commented

done. please confirm transfer request

I don't think that worked...

y310 commented

oh weird.. in my screen, it was correctly transferred.

maybe it will take some time? We'll see

thanks, @y310, I needed to respond to an email to make it work.