
cannot send out multiple requests at the same time

Johnkui opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm using the RxFeedback on my project. And one of the business is to send out multiple requests when entering a specific page. So I change the State and in the side-effects callback I merge those Observables for each request into one and map the merged Observable into signal. however, only one request data is refreshed by the Driver though all the requests came back. What am I doing incorrectly?

here is my code FYI:

        internal static func sideEffect(query: Query,
                                        with dependancy: Dependancy) -> Signal<Command> {
            if query.urls.count > 0 {
                return dependancy.api
                    .makeRequests(apis: query.urls,
                                  constrained: dependancy.constrained)
                    .asSignal(onErrorJustReturn: .failure(.unknown))
            return Signal.empty()

func request(apis: [URLType]) -> Observable<Response> {
        let observables: [Observable<Response>] =
            apis.flatMap { api in
                        .response(api: api, url: api.URL, get: api.query)
                        .map {
                            if let data = ...  as? [String: Any] {
                                return .success((data: data, type: api))
                            return .failure(.unknown)
        return Observable.merge(observables)

Hi @Johnkui,

you need to use Set overload of feedback loop, and not the optional one.

thanks, @kzaher

@kzaher What if some service produces two responses: (1) cached data, (2) freshly fetched data? From what I see RxFeedback allows only one emission from an effect, or I missed something?