
Add debug option as argument option

Opened this issue · 3 comments

          So other users can see. If you change line 16 in to debug=False, the script works and continues processing.

I'm in favor of adding an optional parameter (defaulting to debug=false) to set debug at runtime.

Originally posted by @kmenter in #6 (comment)

As I thought about this more, does it make sense to even support passing an input file an argument? The script still requires a user to interactively provide an output file, plus will require user input to complete the eft file contents... Perhaps the best option is to have only one available argument that turns debug mode on/off, and expect all other inputs to be provided interactively after the script is running?

I could see it split two ways. Either minimal input parameters (debug on/off) and everything else is prompted. Or parameterize all inputs. All of the entered fields could be defined in an input.txt file. Call the script with input.txt, input.png and output.etf parameters. No additional prompts would be necessary.

Hmm, with the recent changes this might be a non-issue, but I'm curious if there's a desire for a headless/CLI version over the GUI?