
DDA version still getting errors, seems like some of the proper jsons are in BN?

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I keep getting errors about the superalloy composite not having the bash_resist mandatory member, seems the c_materials.json of BN is the proper one for some reason. I get errors about things in legacy.json too about misplaced "melee_damage" being an invalid or misplaced field name.

Putting the materials.json in BN's Surv_help folder into DDA's seems to do the trick, doing it with the legacy.json does not help tho.

You're using the wrong version. What version of DDA are you using, and what version of Cata++? If you're using current experimental DDA, use the nocts_cata_mod_DDA folder, NOT the nocts_cata_mod_BN folder. Make sure you're deleting the old folder beforehand, not simply dumping the new version directly on top of the old one.

Yeah no, just tested current master branch of Cata++ in most recent build (2023-04-26-0511), no load errors. Update your mod version.