
Node engine needs to be updated

tomowens3 opened this issue · 4 comments

The major version should be bumped or at least the node engine version should be updated from >=0.10.0 to >0.12. This would warn us poor souls that continue to support apps that run old but still maintained NodeJS versions that we could have an issue and fail the installation in strict mode.

For those that are interested:
node_redis@>=2.6.2 + NodeJS 0.12.15 causes a memory leak that also seems to max out the CPU of the instance.

@tomowens3 can you elaborate what commands you used and how you found the memory leak? I am not aware of such a leak and if there is indeed a memory leak in combination with NodeJS 0.12.15 are you certain there is none in combination with newer NodeJS versions?

We resolved the issue by setting the redis-parser dependency version in the app's shrinkwrap.json back to 2.0.4.

The commands used are just the basics ( incr, set, get, setex, del, expire, mget and multi/exec )

I guess the issue is now resolved with v.2.2.0?

If this is still the case, please reopen.