
Status not updating

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When I send a power action to a server, and I try to fetch the resource usage and status, it's not updating.

For example: I send the kill action to a server. On the panel, I can see it's killed, but in my NodeJS application it's not updating. It's already in a setTimeout to give the server time to stop.

Who can help me with this?

Hello there, it will be hard to fix this without showing the code to your project as there can be one of two things

  1. The promises are not being called one after another (Eg, you setServerStatus, then in the .then of that promise youll need to get the server status, as the actual setServerStatus isn't finished until .then of setServerStatus is called)

  2. There is an actual error with pterodactyl returning the wrong status, i dont think its this im pretty sure its # 1 but it wont be possible to know without showing some code

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I will look into option 1