
First page cover only

TomaszOlek opened this issue · 2 comments

Dose anyone know how to make so that the first page is only a cover?

Something like this:
2023-09-13 14_12_21-localhost_8000

I was able to do this with fillers as first and last page but on portrait mode, the first page and last page are invisible
2023-09-13 14_37_32-localhost_8000

I was also trying to add statement so that the filler only shows on desktop
{!isMobile && <Filler />} {children} {!isMobile && <Filler />}

But then I'm getting the error:
React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed null.

to be clear, using showCover={true} dose not fix the problem
2023-09-13 14_49_59-localhost_8000

Never mind, I was providing startPage which was wrong and I had the prev button disabled 😉