
Handling resolving of the Image link

Closed this issue · 2 comments

DvzH commented


After uploading image to the server. We get url of the img, So Instead of resolving it directly I wanted to send some extra information along with header in the GET request for the Image URL. How to do it ?

Hi there,

This plugin inserts an img tag into the editor. eg: <img src="your-link" />.
The browser is then handling the loading of the image.

Can you modify your request to use a query string?

DvzH commented

Yes.. I did it. It's working fine now. Just have one more question. I wanted to keep loader while image is being uploaded then resolved at the browser but sometimes, it's taking little bit more time. Is there a way to show the loader in the place where image is uploading in the editor and still allow user to modify the content of the editor ?