
DependencyProperty.UnsetValue is not recreated after reinitialization

aienabled opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi guys,
after upgrading from 3.0.12 to 3.2.1 I've noticed a major issue: DataTriggers stops working after NoesisGUI reinitialization (Shutdown and then Init). After debugging I have found out that the DependencyProperty.UnsetValue object is disposed (swigCPtr.Handle equals zero) so DataTrigger comparison returns incorrect result.

As I see, two years ago in 3.1.0 you've made an optimization by creating the DependencyProperty.UnsetValue object only once. Now I realize why 3.1.0 was broken for me among some other issues (so I've skipped it).

public static object UnsetValue = new NamedObject("DependencyProperty.UnsetValue", UnsetValuePtr);

I've made a straightforward fix like this:

  private static NamedObject unsetValue;
  public static object UnsetValue
      if (unsetValue is null
          || ((NamedObject)unsetValue).IsDisposed)
          unsetValue = new NamedObject("DependencyProperty.UnsetValue", UnsetValuePtr);

      return unsetValue;

However I'm not sure if it's a valid fix as there could be other cases where a similar issue may appear.
I've found the same issue with Binding.DoNothing

public static object DoNothing = new NamedObject("Binding.DoNothing", DoNothingPtr);


Hi Vladimir, I think your change is safe and we are going to integrate it.
Thanks a lot for reporting and providing the patch!

Already fixed and included in latest release