
Game framework features for Unity

Primary LanguageC#


NekoLib provides some useful features you might see in game frameworks.

Key Features

  • Modular - Pick and choose the features you want to use
  • Lightweight - GC-friendly solutions with low performance impact
  • Easy integration - Does not rely on any 3rd party assets


ReactiveProps - Subscribe to value change events on data classes
public class UIScoreController : MonoBehaviour {
    [SerializeField] private UIScoreView _view;
    [SerializeField] private PlayerContext _context;

    void OnEnable() {
        _context.Score.ValueChanged += SetScoreText;

    void OnDisable() {
        _context.Score.ValueChanged -= SetScoreText;

    private void SetScoreText(int score) {
Pool - Dynamically optimized type safe object pooling
public static class BulletFactory {
    public static IObjectPoolManager PoolManager;

    public static Bullet Instantiate(Bullet prefab, BulletConfig cfg,
    Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, LayerMask layerMask = default) {
        var pool = PoolManager.GetPool(prefab);
        Bullet bullet = pool.Get();
        bullet.Init(cfg, origin, direction, layerMask, pool);
        return bullet;

public class Bullet : MonoBehaviour {
        if(isPooled) _pool.Push(this);
Events - Typed custom events
var event = GlobalEvents.Get<LevelSucceedEvt>();
event.Action += HandleLevelSucceed;
ScriptableEvents - Use Scriptable Objects as events
public class MyEventListener: MonoBehaviour {
    [SerializeField] ScriptableEventInt _scriptableEvent;

    void OnEnable(){

    void OnDisable(){

    void MyEventResponse(int value) {
FSM - Extendable code-based finite state machine
fsm = new FSMBase<Player>(player);

var idle = new FSMState<Player>();
idle.BindEnterAction(p => p.Idle());
fsm.AddState("Idle", idle);

var move = new FSMState<Player>();
move.BindUpdateAction(p => p.Move(p.MoveInput));
fsm.AddState("Move", move);

var jump = new FSMState<Player>();
jump.BindEnterAction(p => p.Jump());
fsm.AddState("Jump", jump);

var hasMoveInput = new FSMCondition<Player>(p => p.MoveInput.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f);
var hasJumpInput = new FSMCondition<Player>(p => p.JumpInput);
var isJumpAnimEnded = new FSMCondition<Player>(p => p.IsAnimEnded("Jump"));

idle.AddCondition(hasJumpInput, "Jump");
idle.AddCondition(hasMoveInput, "Move");
move.AddCondition(hasJumpInput, "Jump");
move.AddCondition(!hasMoveInput, "Idle");
jump.AddCondition(isJumpAnimEnded, "Idle");
Singletons - Simple singleton templates
public class GameManager : MonoSingleton<GameManager> {
    Awake() {

var GameManager gm = GameManager.Instance;
ServiceLocator - Global service locator
public class GameEntry : MonoBehaviour {
    void Awake() {
        GameServices.Register<IMyServiceInterface>(new MyServiceType());

var myService = GameServices.Get<IMyServiceInterface>();

Math - Utility methods for 3D maths

Physics - Utility methods for Unity physics


Installing via Unity Package

Installing the old way

Place the Plugins folder into your project's Assets/ folder.