
The Node backend API for League of Legends related functions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

League Service Backend

The Node server backend API for League of Legends related functions. Click for an example application using this service.


  • Solo Queue Tracker App (in progress)
  • Match database for future web-based statistics tracking (planned)


  • Add and delete summoners
  • Get ranked information for summoners
  • Parse matches for individual statistics
  • Store match list for each summoner
  • Aggregate match statistics based on match filters
  • Support periodic updating


The MongoDB path and Riot Games API key must be filled in default.json. By default, the database path is mongodb://localhost:27017/league. Run the application with npm start.

Current Endpoints:

URI Methods Description
/api/summoner/:name POST, DELETE, GET Registers/gets/deletes a raw summoner object along with its matches from the database. Unless your name is "all"
/api/summoner/all GET Gets a list of all summoners currently registered
/api/summoner/stats/:name GET Gets the summoner's current and peak stats.
Query strings:
queue: 1 for solo queue, any other value for flex
reverse: whether or not to start the query from the most recent game
limit: maximum number of games to retrieve (after all filters are performed)
champions: comma separated list of champion ids to filter
role: comma separated list of roles to filter (top, mid, jungle, adc, support)
ranklimit: Limit games up to a certain rank being achieved
result: win to only return victories, lose to only return losses
peak: whether or not to return the stats from the peak rating or the current rating
timestamp: limit games up to a certain time in epoch milliseconds
/api/summoner/update POST Updates matches and profile information for a summoner
/api/loldata/roles GET Gets a list of all roles currently being used
/api/loldata/rankscore GET Gets a numerical equivalent to a League rating. Mandatory parameters:
tier, division, lp - Ranked information to convert to a score
/api/loldata/ddcfg GET Direct call to the LoL Static Data API to get the current Data Dragon parameters
/api/loldata/champions GET Gets a map from champion id to champion name, and the reverse map from name to id
/api/loldata/lastupdated GET Gets the most recent update for the database, in epoch milliseconds
/api/loldata/clearcache POST Clears the current query cache. Useful when new champions come out.