
F9_08_PF_SIGOCAFFRFAC contain mixed references to city and country

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Firstly, thank you for doing this! I was manually extracting variables I was interested in from various schema files and the concordance csv has definitely made my life easier!

I found that
various instances of F9_08_PF_SIGOCAFFRFAC refer to both foreign recipients city and country. Would these need to be split up into separate CO/CI variables? That sort of split have been done in other places.

Hi @nsudarsanam and thanks so much for reporting this! I think the CO/CI split makes sense, assuming there aren't any variables that already have those names by happenstance (there probably aren't, I just haven't checked). Can you suggest, precisely, the changes that should take place to resolve this? What I mean is, can you come up with a precise list of xpaths that require variable name alteration and what the new variable name for these should be?

There's a number of lists of 'problem' variables we've generated that need fixes: this appears in for instance. The hard part is coming up with the fix!