
Some bugs/dependicies and fix-methods

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I found this Project really useful and clear in processing UAV images (including feature matching(GMS), Bundle Adjustment, also Render and other details). These open-source-python-codes really helps a lot in learning and understanding the workflow goes inside pix4d and other commercial software.
Although some bugs are met (may because of update of serveal package), they were solved with personal experience or Google serching according to the error report.

Bug Clear:

1. To use cv2.xfeatures2d also SURF method, python (<=3.6) and opencv (<=3.4.1) is needed

2. scripts/

from pyexiv2 import Image # this package is much more ez to install than py3exiv2
# Then, in Line 43 or so, replace with below statement,
exif = Image(image_file).read_exif()
# and eliminate all “.value” after exif

3. scripts/

# Line 257
with open(output_file, 'w', newline='' ) as csvfile:

4. xscripts/

# Line 151-154
kp = cv2.KeyPoint(x=point[0][0], y=point[0][1], _size=point[1], 
                    _angle=point[2], _response=point[3], 