
name 'getNode' is not defined

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Facing the issue in importing getNode from the props in camera lib

Same here. I saw the other issues #4 #6 , but still can't make it work!

I apologize for the slow communication. This past year I had an unexpected job loss and transition to a new job along with a major move to a new area. Getting up to speed on the new job has consumed all my energy. I've unfortunately not had time to do much work on this project in the last year. :-(

To fix this error you need to install the python portion of the props-legacy repository (Part #1 in the readme) here:

There may be additional dependencies to install, but hopefully that gets you further down the path.

Thanks! I will try again. I read your response also on the props-legacy dependencies... I will try again and let you know.
It looks like a great project. So, I hope you will have time to take it further in the future :) .