
Crash on start (apk version 1.1.6)

akopotilov opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi! I've redone all steps from the installation guide using original game v1.1.6 (deleted old homm3hd/data, extracted new .obb files and file from apk), and the issue is still the same as in my previous report. The problem is still the same, game crashes on startup. Could you please help?

Crash dump is here:

Looks like it's crashing on image load. Something went wrong with data install most likely.
Delete everything, make sure that you're using 1.1.6 game APK and proper obb files ( and
Show me the content for ux0:data/homm3hd/ if it still fails.

Sadly, redoing everything from scratch didn't help.
This is the latest crash dump:
This is homm3d folder contents and folder info. Please let me know what more I can do to help you identify the cause.

Honestly github issues is not a right place for troubleshooting/install support.
Send me a message on Discord (username: northfear) and I'll try to figure it out.

We got this sorted out. The crash was happening due to missing NoTrpDrm plugin