Getting issues in GuidedDraggingTool.ts
harshittpandey opened this issue · 1 comments
My gojs version: "^1.8.37"
I am importing the gojs extensions like this.
import {GuidedDraggingTool} from 'gojs/extensionsTS/GuidedDraggingTool'
import {Robot} from 'gojs/extensionsTS/Robot'
but while running jest, I am getting some typescript issues
I am transforming node_modules/gojs
with ts-jest
node_modules/gojs/extensionsTS/GuidedDraggingTool.ts:176:7 - error TS2322: Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'GraphObject'.
176 var bestPart: go.GraphObject = null;
node_modules/gojs/extensionsTS/GuidedDraggingTool.ts:206:59 - error TS2454: Variable 'bestOtherSpot' is used before being assigned.
206 var bestPoint = new go.Point().setRectSpot(bestBounds, bestOtherSpot);
node_modules/gojs/extensionsTS/GuidedDraggingTool.ts:207:8 - error TS2454: Variable 'bestSpot' is used before being assigned.
207 if (bestSpot === go.Spot.Center) {
total 19 errors in both the extensions that I am using.
I figured out a way to handle this,
I tried importing the extensions from .js file.
import {GuidedDraggingTool} from 'gojs/extensionsTS/GuidedDraggingTool.js'
import {Robot} from 'gojs/extensionsTS/Robot.js'
with this, my unit tests are working fine.
but I am still getting the same typescript errors while running the build.
and inside my tsconfig.json, I am excluding "node_modules"
and using skipLibCheck: true
I don't understand why these typescript checks are failing even if I am not directly importing/ using them. and I am excluding them from my tsconfig.json
as well.
Follow our recommendations to copy extension files into your project so that they are compiled and imported correctly for your project.