
Visual Studio bundling error

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I have a project on Framework 4.8, when I include your source through the "bundles system" built into Visual Studio I get an error:

The problem started in the version 3.0.1 In version 2.3.17 everything worked correctly.

I have no idea why this might happen. Does it happen if you only bundle GoJS, and none of the others?

This bundle contains files:

  • "go-{version}.js"
  • "PolylineLinkingTool.js"
  • "Figures.js"

but they have not changed, only the version of your file go.js has changed

PolylineLinkingTool.js. from this example
Figures.js. from this example

I bet the problem is that your PolylineLinkingTool.js is an old one that still depends on the Diagram.inherit static function, which can no longer exist in GoJS v3+. I suggest that you copy that file from the create-gojs-kit package, either from extensions/ if just loading from a script tag or from extensionsJSM/ if importing an ES module.

Please read, and especially

I removed the "PolylineLinkingTool.js", but it had no effect.
I had to stop minifying the bundle
by calling: scriptBundle.Transforms.Clear();

You have a work-around, so I'll close this issue.

You may want to try with the latest version: 3.0.4