Make ontobrowser database agnostic
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Thanks for sharing OntoBrowser. Unfortunately I don't have a Oracle DB at the moment for testing it at home. But I think it would be doable to make OntoBrowser DB agnostic, and maybe provide some way to quickly build & run it locally.
It would be possible, I think, to use Hibernate or JOOQ to create the schema. This way, there could be a Maven target (maybe a mvn exec:java or similar?) that is not bound by default in the build lifecycle, but can be called by users to provision a database (e.g. Derby, HSQLDB, Oracle, MariaDB, etc).
Hi Bruno,
We are in the process of testing MySQL as an open source alternative to Oracle. In the meantime you could try downloading and installing Oracle XE for testing at home?
With regards to auto generating the database schema, sounds like a good idea. Any contributions to the project are welcome.
Hi Carlo, are there any updates regarding MySQL integration?
Hi Almaba,
Please see fork from nikhitajatain:
Hi @carloravagli sorry for never responding your previous comment (completely missed it).
In the meantime you could try downloading and installing Oracle XE for testing at home?
Sure, sounds like a good alternative for now. If I have time, I will take a look at putting up together a small Docker compose file with Oracle + OntoBrowser. This way others could quickly try it too.
With regards to auto generating the database schema, sounds like a good idea. Any contributions to the project are welcome.
👍 this is the type of interesting project I enjoy contributing to. Only a bit strapped for time lately. Will see if I can manage to have fun working on some PR later this year.