
homeworks of thoughtwork2019

Primary LanguagePython


Function Description


  1. Size of road grid
  2. Connectivity description of road grid


a maze which descripted by string.



3 3
0,1 0,2;0,0 1,0;0,1 1,1;0,2 1,2;1,0 1,1;1,1 1,2;1,1 2,1;1,2 2,2;2,0 2,1


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Notice: more details in problem description.

Development Environment

python 2.7.8

File Manifest

└───drawMaze.py      # 1. Rendering the maze to string; 2. Checking correctness of input.
└───unitTest.py      # Running some unit tests.

Unit Test

Check the correctness of input:

Invalid number format

the input contains non-numeric parameters.

Number out of range

  1. the number is negative.
  2. the number is decimal.
  3. x(y) of road grid is zero.
  4. the x(y) of grid is out of range of maze.

Incorrect command format

  1. invalid size of maze. eg "3 3 3" or "2"
  2. the grid is incomplete, eg "1, 2,0;" or "1 2,0"
  3. the grid pair is incomplete, eg "2,0;" or "2,0 ;"

Maze format error

Difference value of x(y) between two grids is greater than one.

Unit test for class maze

How To Start

  1. Running the main program
python drawMaze.py


3 3 0,1 0,2;0,0 1,0;0,1 1,1;0,2 1,2;1,0 1,1;1,1 1,2;1,1 2,1;1,2 2,2;2,0 2,1

  1. Running unit tests.
python unitTest.py