
Text Display backgrounds are visible through walls

Closed this issue · 8 comments

When using the mod, text display backgrounds remain visible through walls, when they should not be visible. This still happens even with the NBT option of {see_through} is set to false.

This does not happen with any other mods.

2023-09-18_13 55 08

This is an intentional change as it mimics how text backgrounds display for entity name tags. It is a bug however that the text is not visible through the wall.

Okay I understand, but is there any way we can prevent it from being the case on the server side at all? I have people coming onto the server with the mod, and it gives them an unfair advantage in our games, as many of them rely on these text displays not being visible through walls.

(Didn’t intent to mark this as closed, was a misclick)

Hmm, I could move this behaviour to the see_through flag as that allows servers to opt-in since the flag is effectively useless in its current state anyway. It makes the text itself get rendered behind everything else currently, making it almost useless.

Reason why I didn't initially hide it behind the see_through flag is that any servers wanting to actually use text displays would need to enable see_through only for Noxesium users. I imagine for most servers it's more annoying that text displays prevent anything rendering behind them as most already use regular holograms and just want a 1-1 switch without it breaking what they are used to.

Yeah, that would be great! Being able to control their visibility through walls would be a massive help. Thanks!

Agree with @16CSmoke, we switched to text displays as custom nametags deliberately because they don't render through walls, ability to send packet to control this would be nice

After more consideration I'm changing it to still fix that non-see through text displays render nothing behind them, but instead simply making text displays still not render through walls. Not rendering through walls is useful and reduces clutter, additionally having them render through walls would negatively impact performance.