
Error: get baudrate error

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello guys, thank you so much for this awesome library!

I am trying to run your HttpClient example sketch - but I am receiving the following in the serial monitor: "File received. Update Nextion... Error: get baudrate error".

I am using an esp32 and 2.8' HMI Nextion and have left all baud rates in the IDE at 115200.

If you could help me understand this problem that would be highly appreciated!

Kind regards, Marcel

I forgot to ask, why are there two Void Setups in the sketch? If I comment out this first Void Setup I receive the error above.

Two setups: oops, have to fix that :) But for your first problem: get baudrate error means that for some reason esp32 cant communicate with display. Are your connections correct? rx -> tx & tx -> rx

Thank you so much - that makes sense. I am trying to use serial port 2 so connected RX2 (pin 6) and TX2 (pin 7) to tx and rx of the Nextion. I would prefer not to use serial ports 0 and 1. How would I have to update my IDE code or ESPNexUpload.cpp file to use serial 2?

Before the librarys #include statement in your main code file use these defines to change pins:
#define NEXT_RX 14 // Nextion RX pin | Default 14 / D5
#define NEXT_TX 12 // Nextion TX pin | Default 12 / D6

Hello, I have same problem - get baudrate error. Data i send to nextion but I dont upload program.
I have ESP32 wemos D1, pins 16 and 17. If I try send tft, on screen nextion show uploading info, baud, USART update, size a writing DATA... 0%. But not continue. Still 0%. I tryed change baud, 9600,19200, etc. Could you help me?