Outperform OpenAI GPT-3 for classifiation with SetFit

In many Machine Learning applications, the amount of available labeled data is a barrier to producing a high-performing model. In the last 2 years developments have shown that you can overcome this data limitation by using Large Language Models, like OpenAI GPT-3 together wit a few examples as prompts at inference time to achieve good results. These developments are improving the missing labeled data situation but are introducing a new problem, which is the access and cost of Large Language Models.

But a group of research led by Intel Labs and the UKP Lab, Hugging Face released an new approach, called "SetFit" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11055), that can be used to create high accuracte text-classification models with limited labeled data. SetFit is outperforming GPT-3 in 7 out of 11 tasks, while being 1600x smaller.


In this blog, you will learn how to use SetFit to create a text-classification model with only a 8 labeled data examples. You will also learn how to improve your model by using hyperparamter tuning.

You will learn how to:

  1. Setup Development Environment
  2. Create Dataset
  3. Fine-Tune Classifier with SetFit
  4. Use Hyperparameter search to optimize results

Why SetFit is better

Compared to other few-shot learning methods, SetFit has several unique features:

🗣 No prompts or verbalisers: Current techniques for few-shot fine-tuning require handcrafted prompts. SetFit dispenses with prompts altogether by generating rich embeddings directly from text examples. 🏎 Fast to train: SetFit doesn't require large-scale models like T0 or GPT-3 to achieve high accuracy. 🌎 Multilingual support: SetFit can be used with any Sentence Transformer on the Hub.

Now we know why SetFit is amazing, let's get started. 🚀

Note: This tutorial was created and run on a g4dn.xlarge AWS EC2 Instance including a NVIDIA T4.