
Could not invoke RNAccoutKit.login

duyv opened this issue · 5 comments

duyv commented

This error appear when I call RNAccountKit login method (by phone or by email). I was try to change version from 1.2.0 to 2.1.0 but not work. I think something wrong around method setEnableInitialSmsButton.

Could not invoke RNAccountKit.login


No virtual method setEnableInitialSmsButton(Z)Lcom/facebook/accountkit/ui/AccountKitConfiguration$AccountKitConfigurationBuilder; in class Lcom/facebook/accountkit/ui/AccountKitConfiguration$AccountKitConfigurationBuilder; or its super classes (declaration of 'com.facebook.accountkit.ui.AccountKitConfiguration$AccountKitConfigurationBuilder' appears in /data/app/com.test.accountkit-2/base.apk)

Fix specific your accountkit version to 5.0.1

or in build.gradle you can set
implementation ''
implementation ''

@saurabhjayx this solution is not working..!

@saurabhjayx it worked for me

Closing this as it seems to be a misconfiguration issue.

Feel free to reopen it but provide a detailed issue by filling out the template suggested by the issue creation form.