
Random crap I have decided to make instead of preparing for my exams.

Primary LanguageC++

Some Random CS:GO Crap

So I made this when I was really bored. I have no plans on what this is going to become, although I'm pretty sure it will be some sort of hack/injective DLL for CS:GO.

Current Features

Decent framework for working with configuration.

Getting Help

How to compile


How to use

  • Launch CS:GO with -insecure command-line flag
  • Inject the compiled shared library to the CS:GO process using any shitty DLL injector
  • Suffer

Making an Issue

Don't do it, I will not read any of your autistic crap anyways.


If you want to add some more autistic crap to this, you better fork the repo and work on your own version. Then you can create a pull request and final decision will be up to me whether to merge or no. These rules you must follow if you want your PR to be merged:

  • Write clean code (follow OOP shit please)
  • Follow the coding style of the project (see Google C++ Style Guide)
  • Do not change the file tree structure of the project as it might break lot's of things