
incompatibility with Beatsaberplus Game Tweaker

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When i disable the world particles in BS+ Game Tweaker these annoying random white particles are gone. After i installed Counters+ the particles were gone only in the menu and when i join a map they are back. When the map ends they are gone in the menu again.

Uhhhh, going to need a lot more information than this.

Counters+ does not touch anything related to particles, so currently I highly doubt that Counters+ is the problem.

i know m description was not very specific. i made a video maybe you understand now what i mean

Let me do a bit of digging into the BS+ code and see what exactly it does.

In the meantime, would you mind sending me your latest.log file in the Beat Saber/Logs folder?

UPDATE: It looks like BS+ only updates the world particles on module enable/disable, and when tweaking the value in BS+ settings. I'm not sure if this persists across scene unloading/reloading, so I would ask HardCPP if they could update the world particles on game scene load, just to be sure.