Nuitka website down
feluxe opened this issue · 3 comments
I just wanted to report, that seems to be down.
The connection has timed out
I moved the website to another host and updated the DNS. Usually it takes 12-24h to make it switch over for everybody.
I finally found out why it was happening. Every since I upgraded to Debian Stretch, the kernel was complaining about wrong BIOS, and not being capable to control the power management, which apparently causes it to get hot, and this breaks the hardware to the point that it is now falling apart despite being idle.
I am going to sporadically reset it until the DNS must have switched over. Currently it is running, however system life times seem to have become very short.
I am leaving this open until the switch over is complete.
I can reach it again and it's very snappy! :D
I'm glad the documentation is back online.
Yup, very good. That Debian Stretch upgrade was done anyway to make transition to VM easier. I am closing this, as I had lowered TTL previously, should be everywhere now.