
Loading only selected frames to temp

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature request to speedup the node preload

  • A button to preload (generate all frames to comfyui temp folder)
  • A setting to load only selected frames (preload temp frames with option, eg: frames 1-100 only / preload batch_size)
  • A way to preview a specific frame (starting_frame) and not reload all frames if you want to preview another frame (that is already preloaded)
  • A way to not have to preload video after loading another video to test (during session when temp files are still ready and available)

Reloading a 5000 frame video everytime you test and change settings is no fun

Thank you for all the suggestions, i'll see what i can do, i think also i need to implement a way to just store the frames in RAM.