
Creation Kit "Enhancements"

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  • Re-enable live sync with the game:
    • Hot loading/reloading plugins
    • Camera view
    • CameraShot
    • SoundDesc
    • SoundCat
    • Projectile
    • Explosion
    • EffectShader
    • TESObjectREFR, TESObjectWEAP, TESWeather (Fallout 4 has these)



  • Significant load-time performance improvements
  • UI speed improvements & size changes
  • Add NavMesh pseudo delete ("Remove" triangles without actually deleting/modifying surrounding meshes, link)
  • Add window caption (i.e. "CreationKit 64bit (with CK Fixes vX.X)")
  • Add crash dump generation
  • Memory allocator replaced with Intel TBB allocator
  • Implement a custom log (Replaces the "Warnings" window)
  • Ability to save as ESM
  • Ability to have ESP as a master
  • Ability to draw the render window at 60 FPS
  • Ability to prevent FaceGen from running at all
  • Ability to prevent FaceGen from creating unused TGA, DDS, or NIF files
  • Ability to change FaceGen tint mask resolution
  • Ability to have the "PlayerKnows" conditional function to accept enchantments as a function parameter
  • Fix for Ctrl+Z (undo) not working when using the terrain editor
  • Fix for script property dialog missing icon (Link)
  • Fix for being unable to load certain CC ESL files
  • Fix for "Water Type" window options not updating water in the "Render Window" preview
  • Fix for BSMultiIndexTriShape objects not being selectable in the "Render Window" (Objects with snow/ash/...)
  • Fix for "Render Window" object selection not syncing with "Cell View" window selection
  • Fix for "OUT OF HANDLE ARRAY ENTRIES" error by doubling the limit (2^20 => 2^21) [ALSO PRESENT INGAME]
  • Fix for TESModelTextureSwap being incorrectly loaded (SSE Engine Fixes counterpart)
  • Fix for "UnEquip Sound" button when using the weapon edit dialog
  • Fix for incorrect NavMesh assertion while saving certain ESP files (i.e 3DNPC.esp)
  • Fix for incorrect pointer truncation assertion while saving certain conditions/CTDA (i.e 3DNPC.esp)
  • Fix for NPC perk ranks being reset to 1 on save
  • Fix for fog not drawing in the "Render Window"
  • Fix for "File in use" dialog causing a UI hang after hitting cancel
  • Fix for weapon critical effect data (CRDT) being destroyed when upgrading from form version <= 43 to form version 44
  • Fix for "Could not select actor value X in LoadDialog for BGSEntryPointFunctionDataTwoValue." with certain actor values in the "Perk Entry" window
  • Fix for a package's "Selected Package Data" combo box not having a selected value when using a Topic type (Pointer<->Form ID truncation)
  • Fix for land vertex normals appearing corrupted with specific worldspace setups
  • Fix for the "Object Palette" window preview not showing up at all
  • Fix for the "Object Palette" window "Conform to slope" option causing broken object angles on placement
  • Fix for land shadows not drawing in the "Render Window"
  • Fix for the load order list in the "Data" window reading plugins.txt from the wrong path
  • Fix for the "Actor Flags" or "Actor Behavior" dialogs not showing their column headers
  • Fix for the "Class" edit dialog not filling in the "Training" checkbox
  • Fix for the "Race" dialog not saving "Specials" if the list box was empty and a new spell was added
  • Fix for a memory leak in BSShadowLight::ClearShadowMapData after opening "Actor" dialogs
  • Fix for water not rendering correctly when using the orthographic camera view
  • Fix for the "Dialogue Branch" dialog showing corrupted starting topic strings
  • Fix for the "Bright Light Color" option having incorrect colors in the preferences window
  • Fix for crash when trying to upload pre-existing archives to (#14)
  • Fix for crash when saving a NPC with null perks set (i.e DianaVampire2017Asherz.esp)
  • Fix for crash with NavMeshInfoMap (Use-after-free)
  • Fix for crash (recursive sorting function stack overflow) when saving certain ESP files (i.e 3DNPC.esp)
  • Fix for crash when using more than 16 tint masks on a NPC (Converted to a warning)
  • Fix for crash when connecting to in certain cities/countries (Unicode string conversion failure)
  • Fix for crash when duplicating worldspaces
  • Fix for crash/broken behavior when using the dialogue view flowchart editor
  • Fix for crash when the "Unable to find variable" warning would exceed the buffer size (Invalid parameter termination)
  • Fix for crash when using incompatible textures (Replaced with an assertion stating file path)
  • Fix for crash when trying to use "Test Radius" on a reference's "3D Data" dialog tab
  • Fix for crash after erasing an iterator and dereferencing it in "InventoryChanges" code
  • Fix for crash when editing a spell effect with a large (>= 1'000'000'000) duration
  • Fix for crash when using "Move to topic" in a quest dialogue view (Potential null pointer)
  • Fix for crash when cell child references are added/removed during initialization (Iterator invalidation)
  • Fix for crash after the "Multiple masters selected for load" dialog is shown
  • Fix for crash when duplicating a form with an empty editor id
  • Fix for crash when too much geometry is present in the scene (BSRenderPassCache limit, usually with NavMesh)
  • Fix for crash when tab control buttons are deleted (Uninitialized TCITEMA structure variables)
  • Fix for crash when saving a plugin with an empty single track file path in a Music Track form
  • Fix for crash when plugins.txt is present in the game root folder (Buffer overflow)
  • Fix for crashes on exit (Terminate process immediately)

Request: Could you add to he list : restore Ctrl+Z to cancel actions in terrain mode ? (I think it's broken for at least one of the 2 between editing height and painting landscape texture, probably both).