
Tracy dependency submodule points to non-existent commit

alandtse opened this issue · 0 comments

Tracy points to which is a 404 and doesn't appear in the commit history. Even if pointing at current master, multiple tracy files are missing on build.

Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\client\TracySysTrace.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyColor.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyFilesystem.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyMicroArchitecture.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyMmap.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyPrint.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracySourceView.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyTaskDispatch.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyTexture.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyTextureCompression.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyThreadCompress.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1	
Error	C1083	Cannot open source file: 'tracy\server\TracyUserData.cpp': No such file or directory	libtracy	E:\Documents\source\repos\SkyrimSETest\Dependencies\c1xx	1