[Enhancement] Add additional testing commands
jfmherokiller opened this issue · 2 comments
jfmherokiller commented
itemcheat is an action applying to one topic.
understand "itemcheat [text]" as itemcheat.
carry out itemcheat:
repeat with x running through grab objects:
if the printed name of x exactly matches the text topic understood, case insensitively:
increase carried of x by 1;
This code will allow the player to get any item accessable in the game
pregtest2 is an action applying to one topic.
understand "pregtest2 [text]" as pregtest2.
carry out pregtest2:
repeat with X running from 1 to number of filled rows in table of random critters:
choose row X from the table of random critters;
if name entry exactly matches the text topic understood, case insensitively:
impregnate with name entry;
this code will allow the player to be impregnated by any impregnatable critter in the game
infecttest is an action applying to one topic.
understand "infecttest [text]" as infecttest.
carry out infecttest:
repeat with X running from 1 to number of filled rows in table of random critters:
choose row X from the table of random critters;
if name entry exactly matches the text topic understood, case insensitively:
infect name entry;
this code will allow for quick infection testing
ShylokVakarian commented
Yes. All of the yes. I need this.
DysFox commented
Will be implementing something like this soon. Thanks for the suggestion!