
NPCs, Settlements, Sieges, Dynamic Events

mtadayz opened this issue · 4 comments

Probably the biggest update MTA DayZ will ever experience (short of a complete code rewrite).

NPCs & Settlements
Certain smaller cities, rural and urban areas (like Whetstone, which will be the first settlement) will have NPCs which trade items for other items, offer quests, can cure you etc. The settlement will be barricated. No loot spots, no zombies.
Players can help improving a settlement's condition by successfully completing quests, trading required items, or help with sieges.

Settlements can be under siege by zombies. Players must band together to end the siege, else certain NPCs will die and the settlement's condition will degrade. A siege's level depends on said settlement's condition: the better, the more zombies will appear.

Dynamic Events
The only dynamic event right now are helicopter crashes. More should be added, like soldiers passing through city X with valuable loot, air drops, ...suggestions are welcome!

Mapping Whetstone took longer than expected, but here are a few screenshots.

Next up: adding NPC's and coding the base for dynamic events, sieges and jobs (=quests). The latter will be combined with #133, that's how players will be able to earn XP. Sieges, if successfully defended against, will be directly rewarded with SP (at least that's the plan).

Here's another update.

It's currently a bit barebones, true, but that'll change, don't worry. As you can see from the screenshots, this guy (Wilkins) offers extermination jobs. What he says is semi-randomized; there's a table which allows one to add their own jobs, complete with an explanation as to what info a job needs in order to be recognized as one. Pressing on "Next" will open another window with job details. Players can then decide if they wish to accept the job or not.
There's another NPC standing next to Wilkins, a scientist named "Dr Lovestrange" (shout-out intended). He'll offer fetching jobs, meaning players need to acquire a certain item and bring it to him.

The last NPC (which you can't see, because he's at another location) is a vendor that sells and buys items.

What a system <3

Integration of NPC's and jobs/quests into MTA DayZ has been successfully completed. I need to fix a few minor bugs which popped up while testing, but other than that, the system's pretty much ready to be pushed to the repository. I'll also add tables for translated content, meaning there'll be smooth sailing for other languages too. I tried to make the code as accessible as possible, but I can't guarantee you'll understand everything. However, adding your own quests and NPCs should be easy.
If you wish to help with translating all strings, get the Pastebin here:
Once you're done , create your own Pastebin, post it here (make sure you'll tell me what language you translated the strings into) and I'll integrate it into MTA DayZ.

Sieges will be coded next, as that one takes a bit more time and concentration. Dynamic events will follow, eventually.